
Monday, August 31, 2015

Forming of Words

Let's check here how words are formed.
Would you like to learn how?


Combining forms are added to the beginning or end of a word to change the word’s grammatical form, to give the word a particular meaning, or to change the part of speech of a word. In English, the most common combining forms are word endings.

Word endings

• word endings used to make grammatical forms.
For example, the past simple of regular verbs is formed by adding the ending -ed, and the comparative of many adjectives is formed by adding -er.

• Word endings used to give meaning or change the part of speech.
Some word endings add or change meaning. For example, the ending -ism is often used to form nouns that refer to beliefs or ways of behaving: nationalism, pacifism, Buddhism. Very often, adding a word ending will change the word’s part of speech. For example, the ending -en changes the adjective hard into the verb to harden.

The following table gives the meanings of important word endings and shows how they change the part of speech of the word.

       -en  ADJECTIVE - VERB     to cause to have or increase the        stated quality     
                          hard - harden
                           tight - tighten
                           wide - widen
-ify  ADJECTIVE/NOUN - VERB  to cause an increase in the stated quality  
simple - simplify
pure - purify
solid - solidify
-ize ADJECTIVE/NOUN - VERB  to cause to become   
central - centralize
modern - modernize
standard - standardize

-al   VERB - NOUN      the action described by the verb                approve - approval
refuse - refusal
bury - burial
-(a)n/-ian     NOUN - NOUN/ADJECTIVE (a person) connected with or belonging to the stated place or group    
Africa - African
Canada - Canadian
Rome - Roman
Christ - Christian
NOUN - NOUN     a person who specializes in the stated area of activity or interest     
history - historian
music - musician
politics - politician
-ance/-ence  VERB - NOUN      the action or series of actions described by the verb, or the state or quality described    perform - performance
defy - defiance
prefer - preference
-ance/-ence  ADJECTIVE ENDING IN -ant/-ent - NOUN (the t changes to ce)           
brilliant - brilliance
distant - distance
absent - absence
silent - silence
-ee  VERB - NOUN      the person to whom the action of the verb is being done  
employ - employee
train - trainee
-ee/-or  VERB - NOUN      the person or device that does the activity   (person)
run - runner
act - actor
heat - heater
generate - generator
-ful  NOUN - NOUN     the amount of something needed to fill the stated container or space 
spoon - spoonful
hand - handful
pocket - pocketful
 -ition/-sion  VERB - NOUN      the process or condition connected with the verb      
educate - education
tax - taxation
add - addition
decide - decision
-ism       ADJECTIVE/NOUN - NOUN social, political, or religious beliefs or ways of behaving     
national - nationalism
hero - heroism
race - racism
-ist  ADJECTIVE/NOUN - NOUN a person with a particular set of beliefs or way of behaving      
extreme - extremist
feminism - feminist
Marxism - Marxist
-ist  NOUN - NOUN     a person who has knowledge of the stated subject or is connected with the stated thing 
economy - economist
science - scientist
piano - pianist
-ity  ADJECTIVE - NOUN    the state or quality referred to by the adjective     
sincere - sincerity
generous - generosity
possible - possibility
-ment    VERB - NOUN      the action or process described by the verb, or its result 
govern - government
invest - investment
develop - development
-ness     ADJECTIVE - NOUN    the quality or condition described by the adjective  
happy - happiness
dark - darkness
ill - illness


       -able/ible     VERB - ADJECTIVE     used to add the meaning “that can be” or “worth being” 
desire - desirable
permit - permissible
-al/-ial   NOUN - ADJECTIVE    connected with the stated thing  nation - national
culture - cultural
-ful  NOUN - ADJECTIVE    having the stated quality to a high degree, or causing it 
power - powerful
hope - hopeful
care - careful
-ic/-ical  NOUN - ADJECTIVE    connected with or like the stated thing     
alphabet - alphabetical
psychology - psychological
metal - metallic
economy - economic/economical
-ish NOUN - ADJECTIVE    connected with the stated country or people  
Britain - British
Jew - Jewish
       -     NOUN - ADJECTIVE    (often disapproving) 
 being like the stated thing      
baby - babyish
fool - foolish
boy - boyish
ADJECTIVE   used to add the meaning “to some degree” 
red - reddish
-less      NOUN - ADJECTIVE    without 
use - useless
meaning - meaningless
-ly   NOUN - ADJECTIVE    like the stated person or thing  father - fatherly
        coward - cowardly
-ous       NOUN - ADJECTIVE    full of the stated thing or quality    
mountain - mountainous
ambition - ambitious
humor - humorous
-y    NOUN/VERB - ADJECTIVE  full of or like the stated thing, or tending to do the action described by the verb   
noise - noisy
ice - icy
wealth - wealthy

       WORD ENDING   
-ly   ADJECTIVE - ADVERB in the stated way       
loud - loudly
happy - happily
careful - carefully
-     NOUN - ADVERB   happening at the stated regular period of time (usually the -ly form can also be used as an adjective)    hour - hourly
year - yearly
day - daily
-ward(s) PREPOSITION/NOUN - ADVERB      toward the stated direction or place (the -ward form can also be used as an adjective)    
back - backward(s)
home - homeward
in - inward

Word beginnings
Word beginnings, often called prefixes, do not change the part of speech of the word. They are used to change the meaning.
Number and quantity
       kilo-       one thousand      a ten kilometer race
       micro-    very small     a microorgansim
       multi-    having many a multicultural group
       semi-     half or partly a semicircular table

       inter-     between or among     to interconnect
       post-      after or later than       the postwar period
       mid-      the middle of a midday break
       pre- before (a time or event)    a prearranged signal
       re-  do again to reprint a book

opposite and negative meanings
       anti-      against, preventing, or opposite of antifreeze
       dis- not, or the opposite of       to disagree
       un-  not, or the opposite of       unhappy

other combining forms
In addition to suffixes and prefixes, there are words that act as combining forms to change or add meaning
       catlike quickness (= quick in the way a cat is quick)
       a high-protein diet     (= having a lot of protein)
       a moviegoer (= someone who goes to movies regularly)

       ultramodern furniture (= extremely modern)

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